Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Life Skills And Adolescence Of Rural Background - 1563 Words
Life skills and Adolescence of rural background in India Dr. Rashmi Saxena, Assistant Professor, Shri Ramswaroop Memorial Group of Professional College, Lucknow E-mail: Abstract Education plays an important role towards the overall development of human being. Education is preparing child to live life effectively in the contemporary society. Societies change over time and are not same at any point of time. Today, more and more societal pressures, greater complexity, uncertainty and diversity, rapid changes in the environment and continued deprivation put adolescents at the crossroads of their lives facing an uncertain future in facing the responsibilities of adulthood and to enter the world of work. Rural†¦show more content†¦They have unlimited energy, vitality and idealism, as well as strong urge to experiment and create a better world. Adolescents are, at the same time, a critical period for the development of self identity. The process of acquiring a sense of self is linked to physiological changes and learning to negotiate social and psychological demands of being young adults. In India today’s adolescents are exposed to more information and cultural alternatives than in earlier periods. This provides the adolescents with culturally diverse choices, which cannot be easily exercised due to economic dependence on parents and significant others. The adolescents have to prepare for global successful adult life of competition and independent functioning which is possible only through enhancing their psychological competencies. The education of young people and adolescents has been an issue of major concern in all parts of the world. Adolescence can be a stressful time not only for adolescents but also for parents and adults who work with the adolescents. Adolescents are dealing with the challenges of growing. They are going through puberty, meeting the changing expectation of other, and coping with feelings they not have experienced before. Problems Faced by Students from Rural Background in India While the environments in which adolescence live are certainly important, it’s crucial to note that theseShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Sexually And Domestic Violence On Adolescent Externalizing And Internalizing Behavioral Issues855 Words  | 4 Pages Moylan and colleagues (2010) results show that children who are exposed to ultimate violence such as child abuse and domestic violence are more likely to have internalizing and externalizing outcomes during their adolescent years. Summary of Background Literature: Children, in millions, are being raised in homes where only violence is prevailing. Not only is child abuse occurring, but also there is domestic violence which can result into serious complications as the children grow. 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