Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Nursing Care Plan and Evaluation Free Essays
Directions: 1. The nursing care plan assessment depends on the utilization of standards suitable for the student’s range of abilities. 2. We will compose a custom exposition test on Nursing Care Plan and Evaluation or then again any comparative theme just for you Request Now All nursing care plans must be composed (Times New Roman, 12 point textual style). The nursing care plan structure is accessible on Blackboardâ„ ¢ in each clinical course. 3. The evaluating rubric must be appended †last page of nursing care plan. 4. All applicable appraisal instruments utilized (physical, mental, or mental for example Braden Skin Assessment, Fall Risk) must be joined. HIPAA (Health Information Privacy and Protection Act) commands all medicinal services suppliers secure patient protection. Just data that the patient explicitly discharges might be imparted to other people. Just expert people (understudies and teachers) associated with care are permitted access to the social insurance data. The understudy ought to be mindful about what data is shared verbally and with whom. In the event that the understudy is drawn nearer for quiet data by somebody who implies to have authority, the best game-plan is to allude that person to the suitable managerial staff. IVY TECH COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF INDIANA †REGION 6 NURSING PROGRAM NURSING HISTORY PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT FORM Understudy _________________________ Date of Care __1-26-2010 to 1-27______ Facility/Unit _Oncology_BMH___ Instructor Wellbeing History Anecdotal Data: Patient’s Initials _DH___ Age __79__ Gender__F__ Martial status: Widow__ DOB: _7/29/1930__________ Origination: Randolph County__ Ethnic starting point/Race: _Caucasian_ Occupation: past industrial facility worker_ Work status : retired_________ Educational foundation __High school______________ History source initials ___Pt__ Relationship to customer __self__________________ Transcultural Considerations: (Time, space, contact, esteem direction, language contemplations, otherworldly convictions, instruction level) Pt communicates in English. Secondary school was the most elevated instruction got. She worked at an industrial facility for a considerable length of time and afterward quit to remain at home and bring up her two children. Uncommon Needs: Walker Purposes behind Seeking Care: (Brief explanation in patient’s words that depicts purpose behind visit †Chief Complaint) Pt states she is here because of her ovarian malignant growth. Past Health History: Rough hospitalization dates: 1/17/2010 Genuine or Chronic Illnesses (Approximate beginning): Pt has a hx of: HTN, gallbladder sickness, hiatal hernia, ulcers, diabetes type 2, hypothyroidism, despondency, ovarian malignancy, joint inflammation, headaches, waterfalls and a correct leg fx. Pt has additionally had these medical procedures: hysterectomy, appendectomy, waterfalls, cholecystectomy, colon resection, hernia, thyroidectomy, tonsillectomy, and adenoidectomy. Obstetric Rotation Current Obstetric Assessment: Gravidity ______ Term ______ Preterm ______ Abortions ______ Living ______ Blood classification _____ Rh Factor _____ LMP _______ EDC _______ RhoGAM Status ______ DTR ________ (if pertinent) Date Time of Delivery __________________________________ Kind of Delivery ___ SVD ___ Forceps ____ Vacuum ____ Cesarean Section ___________ Anesthesia/Analgesia _______ EBL Perineum: ______ Intact ______ Episiotomy _____ Laceration Location__________________ If you don't mind note any current obstetrical issues/complexities (GDM, pre-eclampsia, and so forth.) If you don't mind note any past obstetrical issues/complexities: (Condition, term, treatment) Newborn child Data: Sexual orientation ___________Apgar Score ___/___ Gestational Age _____weeks Cord Vessels_____ Taking care of technique ______ Weight at Birth _______ Length at Birth ________ Blood classification Rh ______ Direct Coombs ________ (whenever known) Intricacies at Delivery: Connection Behaviors: Sensitivities: Meds: _Vaseline, Tetanus, Penicillin, Codeine, Aspirin, Morphine, Sulfa ___________ What sort of response was experienced: __Rash, hives, facial growing, Headache, _______ Nourishments: ___NA________________________________________________________________ What sort of response was experienced:_Na_________________________________________ Contact: __NA________________________________________________________________ What sort of response was experienced:__NA________________________________________ Current Home Medications: (all solution, over the counter, home and home grown cures, incorporate exchange or conventional name, portion, and recurrence) Reason for taking drug (understanding expressed). 1. Lisinopril 20 mg 1 tab q pm every day brings down BP 2. Levothyroxine 100 mcg 1 tab qdsync every day thyroid substitution 3. Ondansetron IV 4-8 mg q6hr or PRN-sickness drug 4. Sennosides 8.6 mg 1 tab every day for blockage 5. Polyethylene glycol 17 gr powder every day take with 8 oz of water-for blockage 6. Demecloclycline 300 mg 1 tab TID-tx of microbes 7. Nystatin 5 mL QID wash and spit-tx of organism 8. Insulin Reg (Human) PRN with sliding scale-for diabetes 9. Promethazine 12.5 +5mL q8hr weaken with 9mL NS preceding IV with max rate 25mg/min †assists with sickness and utilized for antihistamine 10. Hydromorphine brand: Dilaudid 2 mg q2hr or PRN-per torment Substance use: (Frequency and sum) Tobacco ___Past hx for 40+ years _________ Liquor ___hx of periodic ____________________________________________ Illegal medications __none____________________________________________________________ Family ancestry: (Health status or reason for death of blood family members showed in a genogram group) Family Social Support Systems: Pt has a little girl and child that visit her day by day. She additionally has a granddaughter that visits a couple of times. Physical Assessment Essential Medical Diagnosis: _______Hyposmality___________________________________________________________________ Secondary Medical Diagnoses: __Ovarian Ca Stature __5’5†______ Weight ___182_____ Head Circumference (if 2 yrs old enough) _________________ TPR _98.5 †66 †28_____ B/P __142/77____ Pain Score ___10___Pain Goal __0___ BMI ___30_______ Oxygen Saturation _92____ Supplemental Oxygen _2L___ Diet: __general with 1500 ml liquid restriction____Consumption % __less than 10% General Appearance: Pt is a multi year old female with silver hair. She is sitting up on the BSC with a cushion despite her good faith and a pad in her grasp squeezing against her abd. Breakfast plate is sitting before her yet she is reluctant to eat. Pt states she â€Å"just harms so terrible from the constipation.†Pain drugs had just been given to her. Patient’s Health Promotion Activities At Home: Pt utilizes a walker at home. Site Assessment of Invasive Lines and Drainage Tubes: (Note area, type, and discoveries) PICC line in right upper chest without any indications of redness or wounding. There is an IV in her upper right arm that makes them wound. Mental Status †General Impression: (append screening apparatus/results whenever utilized) An O X3. Pt in some cases is by all accounts somewhat befuddled. Skin, Hair Nails: Braden Scale Score: ___19 LOW _______ (appended) Skin is warm/dry/unblemished. Pt has a wound over her left antecubital zone and on left hand because of a past IV. She has a scar from her gallbladder medical procedure that is as yet mending without any indications of disease. She likewise has an appendectomy scar from a past medical procedure years back. Hair is full and thick. Nails of both upper and lower limits are yellow with top off. Instructions to refer to Nursing Care Plan and Evaluation, Papers
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Socrates and Thoreau essays
Socrates and Thoreau expositions The fundamental distinction among Socrates and Thoreau was the their perspectives on the connection among individuals and government. Socrates accepted that the individuals are work for the legislature. They should comply with the sets of the legislature and serve the administration as well as could be expected. Despite what might be expected, Thoreau accepted that the individuals shouldnt do everything the administration says. He believed that the legislature did just terrible things, for example, subjection and wars, and that individuals didnt need government. Socrates accepted that the administration made people groups lives better, increasingly requested, and socialized; Thoreau thought the legislature removed things from the individuals. As I would like to think, both of these ways of thinking worked under the uncommon conditions that Socrates and Thoreau were in; in any case, neither would work in todays American culture. Socrates lived under the vote based Athenian government, which was the principal just society throughout the entire existence of humankind. All together for this new framework to work, the individuals completely bolstered the legislature and thoroughly took care of the benefit of the general public. Socrates ways of thinking fit these conditions flawlessly. In todays society, Socrates ways of thinking would be seen as silly thoughts. On account of all the logical and monetary turns of events, individuals not, at this point simply center around getting by and that's it. Individuals have the opportunity to understand papers, get some answers concerning what the administration is doing, and consider whether the things that are going on are correct. In another word, no one would just aimlessly follow the administration. At the point when they feel that the administration is planning something for the impairment of the individuals, they would make their voices heard and attempt to get it remedied. Additionally, individuals these days are not doing whats best for the general public. They generally do whats best for them. Individuals no longer feel committed to comply with the administration and do whats best for the general public. ... <!
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Food What
Food What Before I get to an actual point in my next post, let me say this: I just cooked large amounts of angel hair pasta with ground beef in black bean and garlic sauce. It is amazing. It will last me a week, because I lack the ability to cook food in small amounts and nearly all of my friends are vegetarians. Now check this out: six months ago, I couldnt cook to save my life. I was dead set on living in a dorm with a dining hall solely because I was really just that bad in the kitchen. Well, I was extremely talented at setting things afire, but that doesnt count. (No, not everything can be considered food by adding the term flambé to the end of it. But its black beans and rice flambé, Mom! didnt work. Surprised? I was.) Im not quite sure what happened between now and May, but suddenly I can cook things that are actually edible! Who needs a dining hall when I can go to my floor kitchen or, better yet, when I can call Sicilias and order pizza? (What?! Its the staple of the college student, save for ramen.) Speaking of dining halls at MIT, Baker, McCormick, Simmons, and Next all have them, and Pritchett Dining is right next to East Campus and down the street from Senior House. There are talks about putting Macgregors dining hall back into operation every week since the start of October, trial runs have been occurring in the dorm to see whether or not the plan should go forward. You dont have to live in one of these residence halls in order to eat there (which is good, because their desserts are pretty great), but if you do live in any of them, youre automatically enrolled in MITs Preferred Dining Program you pay a set price ($275 this semester) at the start of the term, entitling you to half-price on anything bought at any dining hall. Translation: a full meal will set you back about $5. You do, however, have to eat at the dining halls pretty often (about 50-60 meals/term should do it) in order to break even or benefit from Preferred Dining. So. Yes. Food. Good. Now go look at my next post, where I give you too much information about too many summer programs!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Relationships Are Complex And Multi Layered Essay
Did you know that relationships are eternal? They reflect the energetic ties and karma to be played out incarnation after incarnation, as we carry them along on our soul journey. In truth, we ve been meeting pretty much the same souls over and over, trying to heal our wounds and learning to relate with love and compassion for one another, or at least enough detachment to break any toxic or painful bonds. Sometimes we meet them for just a moment and sometimes we maintain relationships that last years, depending on what we ve chosen to work on. This is why you may feel an instant connection or attraction to some people, as well as an aversion toward certain individuals, and these may include family members that you are supposed to love. Indeed, close family members are the ones we usually share the most negative karma with! Yet we need to experience those painful relationships to resolve old emotional patterns and tendencies, to grow and evolve. Relationships are complex and multi-layered. On one level, they connect us to the world, stimulate the physical senses, and bring contrast to our experience of reality. On another level, they trigger the ego-mind and activate the unconscious emotional fabric that is the foundation of our life. So even though we may think we know who we are entering a relationship with, we may not necessarily see the underlying vibrational patterns that connect us to that person-since they come from the past. Some of those patterns create positiveShow MoreRelatedMovie Analysis : Undertale 1248 Words  | 5 Pagesencounters a wide range of characters. There’s the lazy-bones skeleton, Sans, his eccentric brother, Papyrus, and Undyne, the human-hunting captain of the Royal Guard. This is Undertale in a nutshell, but we’ve yet to scratch the surface of this multi-layered monster of a game. A key element in the game’s design, as well as one of its selling points, is its claim to be the only RPG where players don’t have to kill anyone. The â€Å"combat†is a turned-based, bullet-hell system of dodging where players areRead MoreStrategic Management : Strategic Managers939 Words  | 4 Pages(2014, p. 398). A similar research article reported that â€Å"Distributed teams are complex and multi-dimensional in terms of configuration.†(Ocker, Huang, Benbunan-Fich, Hiltz, 2011, p. 274). This creates the need for virtual strategic managers to be creative with organizational structure. Location. Studies also found that the leader’s location, with respect to subordinate teams or business partners, impacts relationship dynamics. One article examined specific types of distance such as geographicalRead More Neural Network Concept in Artificial Intelligence Essay1898 Words  | 8 Pageslearn arbitrary functions. 3. Multi-layered network is a feedforward network. 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Counselor educators are charged with providing learning activities that are experiential and educativeRead MoreDatabase Analysis : Database Management System1114 Words  | 5 Pagescreated at each stage in the development process and also on evolution of database management, database system and types, data models, system development life cycle, advantages and disadvantages of database approach. The world has become a very complex place. From the earliest days of computers, storing and manipulating the data have been a major application focus. There has been enormous growth in the computer and database applications over the past two decades. Database is a group of data whichRead More European Colonialism and Imperialism in Shakespeares The Tempest949 Words  | 4 Pages(Elizabethan England), and a knowledge of how it operated serves a great purpose in analyzing these relationships. As in many texts of this time, Shakespeare is endorsing many ideologies of his time, and, although many have labelled him ahead of his time in many respects in his writing, he is, essentially writing from the Elizabethan or Jacobean point of view and time. The Tempest endorses the inequitable relationships between races based upon the belief of European superiority. The representation of race andRead MoreStrategic Human Resource Management : A Deeper Understanding Of The Dominant And Minority C ultures Essay839 Words  | 4 Pagesa framework that enncompass social and cross-cultural psychological research, the authors contributed a theoretical framework that provided informative diversity management essentials vital to human resource professionals. Tatli, A. (2011). A multi-layered exploration of the diversity management field: Diversity discourses, practices and practitioners in the UK. [Article]. British Journal of Management, 22(2), 238-253. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8551.2010.00730.x RQ What can firms do to enhance diversityRead MoreAn Icon of American Expansionism Essay1092 Words  | 5 Pagessubject serves as America’s domestic identity while many of the visual elements suggest at ways that said identity was shaped by the pursuit of expansion and Imperialism. Hence, by serving as a domestic example of the complicated turn of the century relationship between America and Neo-colonialism, which formatively impacted the nation’s 20th century foreign policy as well as concretely defined the nation’s 19th century foreign policy, the illustration can be seen as a personification of the physical identity
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Life Skills And Adolescence Of Rural Background - 1563 Words
Life skills and Adolescence of rural background in India Dr. Rashmi Saxena, Assistant Professor, Shri Ramswaroop Memorial Group of Professional College, Lucknow E-mail: Abstract Education plays an important role towards the overall development of human being. Education is preparing child to live life effectively in the contemporary society. Societies change over time and are not same at any point of time. Today, more and more societal pressures, greater complexity, uncertainty and diversity, rapid changes in the environment and continued deprivation put adolescents at the crossroads of their lives facing an uncertain future in facing the responsibilities of adulthood and to enter the world of work. Rural†¦show more content†¦They have unlimited energy, vitality and idealism, as well as strong urge to experiment and create a better world. Adolescents are, at the same time, a critical period for the development of self identity. The process of acquiring a sense of self is linked to physiological changes and learning to negotiate social and psychological demands of being young adults. In India today’s adolescents are exposed to more information and cultural alternatives than in earlier periods. This provides the adolescents with culturally diverse choices, which cannot be easily exercised due to economic dependence on parents and significant others. The adolescents have to prepare for global successful adult life of competition and independent functioning which is possible only through enhancing their psychological competencies. The education of young people and adolescents has been an issue of major concern in all parts of the world. Adolescence can be a stressful time not only for adolescents but also for parents and adults who work with the adolescents. Adolescents are dealing with the challenges of growing. They are going through puberty, meeting the changing expectation of other, and coping with feelings they not have experienced before. Problems Faced by Students from Rural Background in India While the environments in which adolescence live are certainly important, it’s crucial to note that theseShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Sexually And Domestic Violence On Adolescent Externalizing And Internalizing Behavioral Issues855 Words  | 4 Pages Moylan and colleagues (2010) results show that children who are exposed to ultimate violence such as child abuse and domestic violence are more likely to have internalizing and externalizing outcomes during their adolescent years. Summary of Background Literature: Children, in millions, are being raised in homes where only violence is prevailing. Not only is child abuse occurring, but also there is domestic violence which can result into serious complications as the children grow. Cases showsRead MoreEffects of Rural-to-Urban Migration on Childrens Wellbeing in China Hongwei Xu University1722 Words  | 7 Pagesand future education training for rural development. 5) The Causal Effects of Rural-to-Urban Migration on Children’s Wellbeing in China Hongwei Xu University of Michigan Yu Xie University of Michigan Population Studies Center Research Report 13-798 August 2013 Findings : 1) Because of migration from Rural to Urban the nutritional requirement are full filled. 2) Because of migration from Rural to urban there is remarkable academic achievements are seen. 3) The rural oriented children do not suffer fromRead MoreHearing Loss Among Individuals : Deaf And Hard Of Hearing Essay1143 Words  | 5 PagesThis literature review addresses the impact of hearing assistive technology and advanced testing that touches the lives of adolescences in educational settings who have a hearing disorder, affecting their life dramatically. 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I have already developed a relationship with E.W. through our interactionsRead MoreThe Live Right, Play Right1459 Words  | 6 Pageslive right, play right institute focus on young men and women gifted with talents that makes them marketable in today society. It gives chances to unprivileged children, with low income backgrounds whom have the same educations, talents, and drive as the privileged children. We are open to all ethnic background for the same reasons we work with all ethnicity. To teach the American way of co-existing with different people in everyday livi ng. This is some of the keys we focus on for the successRead MoreTeaching the New-Learner1541 Words  | 7 Pagesthirty-percent, which means learners do not have seventy-percent of the required knowledge as they continue through the school education levels (Barry, 2014). Which in later years could be detrimental to their life choices, especially where these basic life skills are needed for life skills and further education. This in turn has taught the new learner that no matter the mark, they will still pass. This decreases the moral standards for the well-known value of â€Å"for every action there is a consequence†Read MoreEssay about Hispanic Girls Growing up on the Border2367 Words  | 10 Pagesrisk girls feel they fit into their community has been attempted through the formation of a club in Texas, where there is a large Mexican population due to the border region. A club for at-risk girls was started called Girls Acquiring Leadership Skills through Service (GA LLS). Since students who lack feelings of inclusion at school are those most at-risk for both youth gang involvement and dropping out of school this club focuses on making girls feel they belong at school(Sonnenblick 243). ThroughoutRead MoreFamily Planning Methods And Methods Of The Rapid Population Growth Worldwide1911 Words  | 8 Pagesbeing empowered to space the births of their children, fathers becoming more involved in health and family planning, infants and youth seeing their potential for a healthy life increase? This paper outlines the family planning techniques and methods in Nigeria. It throws light on how education is a major set-back for the rural population and, how, using traditional contraceptive methods, even though there are modern methods which are more affective and reliable, is failing Nigeria to grow into the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Paper on Baroque Architecture Free Essays
Jack Szmanda Architectural History, 3411 Professor Satkowski November 15, 2010 Contrast of Resources When researching for a specific reason or refined searches there are many places in which you can search to find results that can be more accurate or useful to the intended search. In the process of collecting information, one must review what kind of information is being displayed. Just typing a key term into Google isn’t sufficient, but a deeper analysis is necessary. We will write a custom essay sample on Paper on Baroque Architecture or any similar topic only for you Order Now Articles, journals, books, and papers are all written with an intended focus and audience. With this, specific information is portrayed in order for the writer to adequately propose his findings or ideas to the readers. When researching information on the great building of Amphitheatrum Flavium, or more commonly known as the Colosseum, there were many sources, but the area of research that was being limited towards was the construction and looks of building rather than the architecture or city involvement.In searching, three beneficial sources were found; Rome, V,6: Colosseum (Grove Dictionary), The Colosseum (Wikipedia), and A Perfect Ruin (JSTOR), all of which portrayed different information and views surrounding the building and were intended for different reasons. The Grove Dictionary of Art is an encyclopedia that is available to the general population that relates its information to Art and Architecture. The article selected from Grove, Rome, V,6: Colosseum, was written by a wo men named Janet DeLaine. DeLaine goes in great detail of the explanation of the visual and architectural aspects of the building. Her writings were mostly guided towards the explanation of how the building achieved its vast size and why the creators did so. DeLaine is guiding her writing towards a group trying to better their understanding of the Colosseum, such as Architecture Students. It is written in a way that suggests that she is sitting in the middle of the Colosseum while looking at a plan view of the building, trying to what she saw.The information being used is very up to date, even though it is almost a history lesson. She uses examples that are seen today, and renovations that have occurred recently in order for the preservation of the building, revealing that this is a valid source with legitimate and accurate information. The information given in Rome, V,6: Colosseum is very accurate an would more than likely be most helpful in the process of writing paper on the history of the building. The next source that was collected was from the infamous Wikipedia. The exert from the encyclopedia was entitled The Colosseum where the writer was not specified. This database showed an enormous amount of information regarding the Colosseum ranging from the history of the building to the appearance in the media today. Similar to the article taken from the Grove Dictionary of Art, this article has a vast historical basis, ranging from the original construction to the multiple reconstructions throughout the years.Unlike Grove, Wikipedia goes farther into the building than just its appearance and construction, but its use and image. Wikipedia explains areas in which focus on the community involvement surrounding the Colosseum. Whether it be for entertainment, to explaining the churches involvement later in the buildings life. The article was written to educate the reader on the building as a whole, but not refined to the teachings of an Architect, but a general student. Anyone willing to learn would get a good understanding of the building and the surrounding community.The data within the article is viewed as being current and up to date not only because it shows recent images of the building but it talks about the activity today that still surrounds the Colosseum. This reference has a large variety of strong information regarding the Colosseum. This form of secondary information does have very strong references to associations like the BBC and Encyclopedia Britannica, but the major flaw about the database is that any person could go and alter information found on the cite, making it a less reliable form of reference.The article would be very useful in writing a paper or teaching a lesson on the building, image, and community involvement surrounding the Colosseum, where it would be less helpful for a des ign project or planning a trip. The next resource selected, being entitled A perfect Ruin from the Journal Arion. This exert from the journal is much larger and depictive that the other to sources. Published by the Trustees of Boston University, uses a different approach I relaying the information to the reader.The document goes in great detail of the design and structure if the building, but displays it as if the author was looking at a photograph. The author believes that a photograph is key in the studying and analysis of art and he expresses that in his writings. â€Å"By examining the photographs of the Colosseum, along with contemporary documents, we shall able to discern some of the most significant elements of the genuine sensation of Rome (Perfect Ruin, 113). †Even through this passage alone it is easily seen that the author exemplifies photography, as a basis of the great Colosseum.The authors dialog is almost as if they are trying to communicate with the reader, trying to draw them in. The focus is to teach the pure essence of reading photography and how they bring out the brilliance of a building like the Colosseum. The writing could be intended for a group of students, but not those that are strictly searching for elements of the building like an Architectural History student, but one who wanted to see it through different eyes, through the eyes of a camera.It also could be used for tourists wanting to understand what would be seen if visiting the Colosseum. The information successfully gives great reference to the Colosseum, while still trying to keep the readers interests. This is important because it isn’t written like a history book, but it still projects large amounts of information as a history book would. This is a great source due to its vast amount of information and legitimacy, but also because it reveals information in a different more elegant way.When approaching research from different sources, it is always important to review the information at hand to ensure that the writings are that of what you intended, and to show type of writing it is. In the exerts from The Grove Dictionary of Art, Wikipedia, and JSTOR, all are different forms of writing ranging from a deep historical timeline of creation and construction, or a list of construction, and explanation of the building and society, to a unique prospective through the lens of a camera.All the sources can be written about the same idea, but all can be written in a different way, and intended for a different audience.Work Cited Arion, Trustees of Boston University. http://www. jstor. org/action/showPublisher ? publisherCode=tbu. Third Series, Vol. 2, No. 1 (Winter, 1992), pp. 115-142 â€Å"Colosseum. †Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 4 June 2009. Web. 16 Nov. 2010. lt;http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Colosseumgt;. DeLaine Janet. 2010. Rome V, 6: Colosseum. Oxford University Press. June 22, 2010. lt;www. oxfordartonline. com. gt; How to cite Paper on Baroque Architecture, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Oppression Analysis Essay Example For Students
Oppression Analysis Essay Evil, sinful, lover of Satan and weak are just a few adjectives to describe women through history. Nevertheless, women were not always portrayed as so. Women once held a strong and dominated figure within the society. In the ancient Egyptian society, women were equal to men in status and prestige. Within the XVIIIth Dynasty, women such as Nephertiti and Hatchipsoot reign the country. â€Å"In that period, Pharaonic women laboured in textile and carpet manufactory, traded in markets and shared in hunting side by side with her husband (El Saadawi. 1980, P. 108-1).†Furthermore, women played sports, drank, held positions of government, worked, etc. However, as time past and countries began to flourish, there was a shift in the socio-economic status in women. Women began reducing in standing. What happened? Nawal El Saadawi, author of The Hidden Face of Eve, strongly believes that circumcision is the cause of women’s oppression and feeling of powerlessness. However, many wi thin the society believe that conditioned oppression is supported due to religion, landowership and the patriarchal system and they are utilized as in instrument of fear, oppression and exploitation. Circumcision is still practiced in many Arab countries because a woman’s virginity and hymen is extremely important. â€Å"Behind circumcision lies the belief that, by removing parts of girls’ external genital organs, sexual desire is minimized (El Saadawi. 1980, p. 33).†This procedure is not performed by a doctor but someone similar to a midwife. It is believe that deep incisions must be done in order to remove all the remains of the genital. Consequently, this may result in infection and even death. Furthermore, â€Å"sexual frigidity is one of the after-effects which is accentuated by other social and psychological factors that influence the personality and mental make-up of females in Arab societies (El Saadawi. 1980, p. 33).†Due to Circumcision, girls are subjected to a series of pain humiliation because of the notion of how virginity is valued. Many girls believed that the genital was a root of all evil. El Saadawi had many patients, bleeding from i nfection but happy to get rid of the source of their desire. For example:â€Å"I did not know anything about the operation at the time, except that itwas very simple, and that it was done to all girls for purposes of cleanlinessand purity and the preservation of a good reputation. It was said that a girlwho did not undergo this operation was liable to be talked about by people,her behavior would become bad, and she would starting running after men,with the result that no one would agree to marry her when the time formarriage came. My grandmother told me that the operation had onlyconsisted in the removal of a very small piece of flesh from between mythighs, and that the continued existence of this small piece of flesh in itsplace would have made me unclean and impure, and would have caused theman whom I would marry to be repelled by me.†â€Å"Did you believe what wassaid to you?†â€Å"Of course I did. I was happy the day I recovered from theeffects of the operation and felt as though I was rid of something which had tobe removed and so had become clean and pure (El Saadawi. 1980, p. 35).†El Saadawi knew from experience what many of these girls are going through because she went through the same experience. She could never forget the painful experience that made her lose her â€Å"childhood once and for all, and that deprived me during my youth and for many years of married life from enjoying the fullness of me sexuality and the completeness of life that can only come from all round psychological equilibrium (El Saadawi. 1980, p. 9).†Nawal El Saadawi believes that religion is used as an instrument in order to justify why the girls in the Arab societies are forced to go through circumcision. Once religion was formulated as a monotheistic one, the three main religions of the world developed Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The world begins with ‘Adam and Eve’ and this story is shared within all three religions. The story of Adam and Eve is the first sign that women are portrayed as less than a man. The Bible takes away a factor that was associated with women, birth. However, â€Å"Eve was born of Adam’s rib (El Saadawi. 1980, P. 102).†In the Judaism religion, arose the notion that â€Å"women was sinful and that sex was sin (El Saadawi. 1980, p. 95). According to El Saadawi (1980) this story â€Å"shows clearly the injustice suffered by women, and the attempt to mask her situation by religious sanctification aimed at smothering all doubt, all discussion and all resistance (p. 102).†In other words, within this male dominated society, women are being circumcised not because it is being enforced by men, but the Bible dictates it to be so. That is what they like everyone to believe, however, who wrote the Bible? Men!As El Saadawi points out (1980), God exalts man in His Bible as one of high intelligence and on if thought, where as a woman is just a body without a head (p. 103). Fir example, in Christianity â€Å"God had created man in his own image, and God was spirit. Woman on the hand was the body, and the body was sex (El Saadawi. 1980, p. 95)†In other words, men is the depiction of God, where as women are just a deviation of men. Women are born without an essential factor, a head and therefore, she is not complete because a head is the center of thought, which distinguishes humans from animal. It is based on this fact that it is believed that women should be circumcised. Since a woman is of the flesh, she must be rid of anything that will give her sexual pleasure. With the Sudan culture, girls are forced to undergo an amputation of her whole external organs. This includes cutting off her â€Å"clitoris, the two outer lips and the two minor inner lips. The wound is repaired. The outer opening of the vagina is the only portion left intact, not however without ensured that, during the process of repairing, some narrowing of the opening is carried out with a few extra stitches (El Saadawi. 1980, p. 9).†El Saadawi believes (1980) that religion is used as a shackle upon the mind of patriarchal society in order to oppress, dictate, dominate and domesticate women (p. 98). Religion has led people to believe that women are the roots of all evil. They are filled with lustful behaviors and they are filled with evil and Satan. In a way, women are seen as disciples of Satan. It is a ma’s job to control them. The male dominated society reinforces the idea that women must be pure, chaste and virginal in order to be worthy of a man. These puritanical values are utilized â€Å"to build on oppression and are still part of the arsenal of heavy weapons which maintains a continuous barrage in the war against revolutionary struggles of women, colored races and the exploited classes living under the semi-feudal or imperialism and neo-colonialism (El Saadawi. 1980, p. 98).†The monotheistic religion, in enunciating the princi ples relating to the role and position of women in life, as we have seen, drew inspiration and guidance from the value of the patriarchal and class societies prevalent at the time. Nawal El Saadawi focuses on the patriarchal system as a major condition for the oppression of women. The shift between man and woman began when men realized the importance of landowership. Man recognized the association between land and having wealth and power. Landownership places them in a higher social, economic and political arena. In acquiring land, man must have someone to cultivate it since it demeans their status within the society to do. The oppression of a slave and women became apparent. â€Å"Wives were a source of wealth since they shouldered many heavy tasks in birth field and home without expecting any payment in return apart from their keep. Their lot was that of unpaid labourers no better off than slaves (El Saadawi. 1980, p. 111).†As much as we want to fault religion for such dehu manizing acts, this is not the case. Yes, religion does devalue women, but it does not state that women should not have any pleasure nor should she be circumcised. These are organs and flash that God has created in women. In a sense, â€Å"religion is most often used as an instrument in the hands of economic and political forces, as an institution utilized by those who rule to keep down those who are ruled (El Saadawi. 1980, p. 4).†Women were seen no better than cattle as they brought and sold as such. Fathers sold their daughters to the highest bidder. In a way, women don’t really care who they are sold off too, sexually they feel nothing. Once these females were sold into marriage, the husband had full control over them. How were women to object to such oppression within a male dominated society? It is quite evident that they could not fight back. The idea that they are the weak, useless, sinful and most incomplete gender has been a constant reminder to them that the y live in a dictatorship of men. From the time that they are young girls, the fact that sex is sinful is drummed into them. â€Å"The child therefore is trained to suppress her own desires to empty herself of authentic, original wants and wishes linked to her own self, and to fill the vacuum that results with the desires of others (El Saadawi. 1980, p. 13).†Furthermore, before she reaches the stage of becoming a woman, she is succumbed with the fact that she will go through the process of circumcision. â€Å"A girl who has lost her personality, her capacity to think independently, and to use her own mind, will do what others have told her and will become a toy in their hands and a victim of their decisions. Religion, therefore, is interwoven with the patriarchal system and landownership. It provided laws and regulation solely upon women that was reinforced by man. Women were obligated to be chaste, virginal, obedient and faithful to their husband. â€Å"The development of private property which reinforces the ‘ passions of acquisitiveness and ownership’ and the development of the patriarchal society, the husband began to demand complete fidelity of his wife (El Saadawi. 1980, p. 117).†This is a long age double standard throughout history. Males coerce these rules upon women, yet they do not have to abide by the same rules. They are set free of these puritan standards because they are the authoritative figure within society and they are â€Å"enslave the sexual code of chastity and sexual rectitude for the females (El Saadawi. 1980, p. 111).†Those women who are believed to be guilty of breaking these codes could be subjected to numerous consequences, such as death and torture. The immediate consequence of circumcision causes the oppression of women that get a sense of powerlessness. They have no power to governor their own lives. They must live under the direct rule the male dominated society. They have no sense of who they are and what they can accomplish because they are brainwashed by the religious and patriarchal figures. They see themselves as the weaker sex filled with great evil, and evil that will always be imbedded within her. She is also seen as incomplete and lacking without her male counterpart. This leaves a long and grave affected on the morale, mental, physical, emotional as well as the spiritually factors of a woman. She is forever seen as an object, a thing no better than an animal. In turn, these ideas are handed down throughout generations, to every female born. It is a never-ending cycle that dehumanizes women into believing that God made them sinful and incomplete. Furthermore, it is made to believe that with the divinity of God, for males who are made in His image, to have total control over them, for their well being. Restaurant management EssayIn many ways, women (mothers and wives) are exploited. They are to carry numerous vital functions, such as to clean, wash, cook, give birth (preferable to male children), nurse, teach and satisfy their husbands’ sexually appetites for which she is not paid. â€Å"She is therefore the lowest paid labourer in existence and therefore man pays her the lowest wage known for any category of human being of burden (El Saadawi. 1980, p. 143).†The long-term effect of this oppression is a sense of powerlessness. Women go on to believe that there is no difference between themselves and cattle. They have neither say in the political, social, economic nor the religious spectrum of society. Women are not given the choice to feel anything sexually. Many of them are fighting for emancipation, which is a right that women established in the United States in the early 1900s. Furthermore, women are trying to break away from tradition; however, they are finding it extremely difficult. How can they succeed, when their society strongly dominated by religion, tradition, and customs and managed by a male dictatorial environment? Men still have the belief that such as break from tradition would only lead to women losing their chastity and honor. According to El Saadawi (1980), as a result of this confined view of women, women only construed 9% of the labor force in 1976 (p. 185). Overall, â€Å"the oppression of women in any society is in its turn an expression of an economic structure built on landownership, systems of inheritance and parenthood, and the patriarchal family as an in built social unit (El Saadawi. 1980, p. 4).†Times are changing and we are in a new millennium. Many would assume that equality within the sexes and races would exist already. However, that is not the case. There is such a great amount of tradition and customs that is quite difficult to break away from. We need more people I m the world that are willing to tak e a stand for what they believe in such as Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Ghandi, Mother Teresa, etc. BibliographyBibliographyEl Saadawi, Nawal. (1980). The Hidden Face Of Eve; Women in the Arab World. New York; St Martin Press, Inc. Political Issues Essays
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Microeconomics Solutions Essay Example
Microeconomics Solutions Paper Suppose the price Of regular-octane gasoline were 20 cents per gallon higher in New Jersey than in Oklahoma. Do you think there would be an opportunity for arbitrage (i. E. , that firms could buy gas in Oklahoma and then sell it at a profit in New Jersey)? Why or why not? Oklahoma and New Jersey represent separate geographic markets for gasoline because of high transportation costs. There would be an opportunity for arbitrage if transportation costs were less than 20 cents per gallon. Then arbitrageurs could make a profit by purchasing gasoline in Oklahoma, paying to transport it to New Jersey and selling it in New Jersey. If the transportation costs were 20 cents or higher, however, no arbitrage would take place. 4. In Example 1. 3, what economic forces explain why the real price of eggs has fallen while the real price of a college education has increased? How have these changes affected consumer choices? Copyright C 2013 Pearson Education. Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall, Pinprick/Refined, Microeconomics, Eighth Edition The price and quantity Of goods (e. G. , eggs) and services (e. G. , a college education) are determined by the interaction of supply and demand. The real price of eggs ell from 1970 to 2010 because Of either a reduction in demand (e. . , consumers switched to lower-cholesterol food), an increase in supply due perhaps to a reduction in production costs (e. G. , improvements in egg production technology), or both. In response, the price of eggs relative to other foods decreased. The real price of a college education rose because of either an increase in demand (e. G. The perceived value of a college education increased, population increased, etc. ), a decrease in supply due to an increase in the cost of education (e. G. , increase in faculty and staff salaries), or both. 5. Suppose that the Japanese yen rises against the U. S. Liar-?that is, it will take more dollars to buy a given amount of Japanese yen. Explain why this increase simultaneously increases the real price of Japanese cars for U. S. Consumers and lowers the real price of IS. S, automobiles for Japanese consumers. We will write a custom essay sample on Microeconomics Solutions specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Microeconomics Solutions specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Microeconomics Solutions specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer As the value of the yen grows relative to the dollar, it takes more dollars to purchase a yen, and it takes fewer yen to purchase a dollar, Assume that the costs of production for both Japanese and LIST. Automobiles remain unchanged Then using the new exchange rate, the purchase of a Japanese automobile priced n yen requires more dollars, so for U. S. Nonusers the real price of Japanese cars in dollars increases. Similarly, the purchase Of a LIE_S. Automobile priced in dollars requires fewer, and thus for Japanese consumers the real price of a U. S. Automobile in yen decreases. 6. The price Of long-distance telephone service fell from 40 cents per minute in 1996 to 22 cents per minute in 1999, a 45% (18 cents/ 40 cents) decrease. The Consumer Price Index increased by 10% over this period. What happened to the real price of telephone service? Let the ICP for 1996 equal 00 and the ICP for 1999 equal 110, which reflects a increase in the overall price level. Now lets find the real price of telephone service (in 1996 dollars) in each year. The real price in 1996 is 40 cents. To find the real price in 1999, divide CHIP 996 by CHIP 999 and multiply the result by the nominal price in 1999. The result is (100/110) CLC 22 C] 20 cents. The real price therefore fell from 40 to 20 cents, a decline. Exercises I _ Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false and explain why: a. Fast food chains like McDonalds, Burger King, and Wendy operate all ever the United States. Therefore the market for fast food is a national market. This statement is false People generally buy fast food locally and do not travel large distances across the united States just to buy a cheaper fast food meal. Because there is little potential for arbitrage between fast food restaurants that are located some distance from each other, there are likely to be multiple fast food markets across the country. B. People generally buy clothing in the city in which they live. Therefore there is a clothing market in, say, Atlanta that is distinct from the clothing market in Los Angels. This statement is false. Although consumers are unlikely to travel across the country to buy clothing, they can purchase many items online. In this way, clothing retailers in different cities compete with each other and with online stores such as L. L. Bean. Also, suppliers can easily move clothing from one part of the country to another. Thus, if clothing is more expensive in Atlanta than Los Angels, clothing companies can shift supplies to Atlanta, which would reduce the price in Atlanta, Occasionally, there may be a market for a specific clothing item in a faraway Copyright @ 2013 Pearson Education. Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. Market that results in a great opportunity for arbitrage, such as the market for blue jeans in the old Soviet Union. C. Some consumers strongly prefer Pepsi and some strongly prefer Coke. Therefore there is no single market for colas. This statement is false. Although some people have strong preferences for a particular brand of cola, the different brands are similar enough that they constitute one market There are consumers who do not have strong preferences for One type Of cola, and there are consumers who may have a preference, but who will also be influenced by price. Given these possibilities, the price of cola drinks Will not tend to differ by very much, particularly for Coke and Pepsi. 2. The following table shows the average retail price of butter and the Consumer Price Index from 1980 to 2010, scaled so that the ICP 100 in 1980. 1980 2000 2010 100 208. 98 218. 06 51. 88 51 . Egg 52. 52 5288 Retail price of butter (salted, grade AAA, per lb. ) a. Calculate the real price of butter in 1980 dollars. Has the real price increased/ decreased/ stayed the same from 1980 to 2000? From 1980 to 2010? Real price of butter in year t CP11980 CIA nominal price of butter in year, ICP t Real price of butter (1980 f) 1 go 51. 26 $121 $1. 32 The real price of butter decreased from $1. 88 in 1980 to $1. 21 in 2000, and it increased from SSL . 88 in 1980 to . 32 in 2010, although it did increase between 2000 and 2010. B. What is the percentage change in the real price (1980 dollars) from 1980 to 2000? From 1980 to 2010? Real price decreased by $0. 67 (1. 88 0 1. 21 C 0. 67) between 1980 and 2000. The percentage change in real price from 1980 to 2000 was therefore (CIO_67/I ,88) 100% 0 035. 6%. The decrease was $0. 56 between 1980 and 2000 which, in percentage terms, is (MO 56 I . 88) CIA 100% CIA c. Convert the ICP into 1990 Ã'Å¡ 100 and determine the real price of butter in 1990 dollars To convert the ICP into 1990 100, divide the ICP for each year by the ICP for 1990 and multiply that result by 100. Use the formula from part a and the new ICP numbers below to find the real price of milk in 1990 dollars. New ICP Real price of butter (1990 $) 1990 63. 07 $2. 98 131. 80 $1. 31 137. 53 52. 09 d. What is the percentage change in the real price (1990 dollars) from 1980 to 2000? Compare this with your answer in (b). What do you notice? Explain. Copyright C 2013 Pearson Education. Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall. Fingerprinted, Microeconomics, Eighth Edition Real price decreased by $1. 07 (2. 98 C] 1. 91 C 1. 07). The percentage change in real price from 1980 to 2000 was therefore 0 100% C 035. 9%. This answer is the same (except for rounding error) as in part b. It does not matter which year is chosen as the base year when calculating percentage changes in real prices. 3. At the time this book went to print, the minimum wage was S? ,25. To find the current value tooth ICP, go to http://WIN. Bless. Gob/Cop/home. HTML. Click on ICP Tables, which is found on the left side of the web page, Then, click on *Table Containing History of ICP-U U. S. All Items Indexes and Annual Percent Changes from 1913 to Present? This will give you the ICP from 1913 to the present. A. With these values, calculate the current real minimum wage in 1990 dollars. The last year of data available when these answers were prepared was 201 D Thus, all calculations are as of 2010. You should update these values for the current year, 130 CP11930 CIA minimum wage in 2010 LIE $7. 25 0 $4. 35. 218 . 056 CP12010 so, as Of 2010, the real minimum wage in 1990 dollars was 54. 35. Real minimum wage in 2010 D b.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Domestic Violence Against Women Essay Example
Domestic Violence Against Women Essay Example Domestic Violence Against Women Essay Domestic Violence Against Women Essay Domestic abuse against women In her news article, the spokesperson for amnesty international describes domestic violence as a worldwide phenomenon that violates the human rights of female victims (Mite, 2005). In addition, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) described violence against women as â€Å"a global epidemic that kills, tortures, and maims – physically, psychologically, sexually and economically. It is one of the most pervasive of human rights violations, denying women and girls equality, security, dignity, self-worth, and their right to enjoy fundamental freedoms†(UNICEF, 2000). I agree with the above assertions because violence against women is so rampant and it happens in all spheres of life, be it in homes, work places, on the streets, learning institutions, and during moments of war and peace alike. Because of the pervasiveness of domestic violence against women and its devastating physical and psychological effects, my paper will be focusing on domestic violence against women in Canada. I believe that domestic abuse against women should be eradicated in this twenty-first century because it breeds psychic disempowerment, mental distress, and affects women’s health, wellness and self esteem. The question that this paper will address is the following: what resources should be made available to support female victims of domestic violence who are currently living with an abusive partner, or have recently left an abusive relationship? The paper will begin with a definition of domestic violence, followed by a discussion of resources and the nursing role. According to Etter and Birzer (2007), domestic violence occurs when a partner or former partner inflicts physical harm on someone with whom they have or previously had an intimate relationship. This physical harm can result in major or minor injury, and can be inflicted with or without a weapon. Researchers have identified supportive counseling as beneficial to female victims of domestic violence (Madoc-Jones Roscoe, 2010; McNamara, Tamanini, Pelletier-Walker, 2008). The emotional support that counseling offers can help female victims of domestic violence identify trengths and assets that they may not have been aware they possessed because their partners’ criticisms may have left them feeling worthless and feeling incapable of taking action to alter their circumstances. Working with a counselor would enable the women to develop a healthy self-image, become aware of their resilience and personal strength, and they may begin to see themselves as survivors of domestic violence as opposed to victims. By becoming aware of their strengths, women may begin to feel empowered and capable of mobilizing their personal resources to take steps towards leaving the abusive relationship. Counseling can also provide female victims of domestic violence with an opportunity to reduce their feelings of self-blame for the abuse they receive when they are made aware of the prevalence of domestic violence and the factors that contribute to it, such as patriarchal social structures, income differentials between men and women, and cultural norms that condone the use of physical aggression against women. This knowledge would help reduce their feelings of isolation and blame because they would understand that they are not alone in their experience of domestic violence. Because of the economic dependency of women on their abusers (Sanders, Weaver, Schnabel, 2007), the social structure has placed women on the receiving end by keeping them down economically through lower wages and less opportunities for employment (Sanders, Weaver, Schnabel, 2007). As a result, it can be argued that belonging to a low income group and economic dependence, among other factors, may be linked to higher rates of spousal assault against women. Many low income female victims of domestic violence are at a high risk of developing psychological problems such as depression, stress, and low self esteem (Hare, 2010). They are also emotionally attached to the abuser to the extent that they cannot leave a relationship for fear of being left alone in a wretched economic situation (Hare, 2010). As a result, some may be worried about child support and financial assistance, and others may be afraid of the threats of retaliation and abduction of children by the abuser. Given that economic dependence is significant in domestic abuse, there is a need for victims to create their own economic independence. In this way, women would no longer look at men as the sole bread winners of the family or providers of childcare and financial ssistance, and they would be able to support themselves financially if they were to leave their abusive partners. To implement the above, the government needs to provide access to job training and education geared towards female victims of domestic violence. This could serve as a fundamental tool that dismantles a vicious cycle of oppression, abuse and poverty of women. Given that the nursing profession plays an important role in public health, nurses can use their skills to advocate on behalf of the abused by creating awareness about the impact of domestic violence against women. Advocacy could also involve referrals to resources for women, such as counseling services and shelters for women leaving abusive partners, as well as providing victims with information about how to protect themselves against abuse, helping them develop a safety plan, and helping to reduce their feelings of self-blame and shame by highlighting the pervasiveness of domestic violence. This paper identified some of the resources that would provide support and assistance to female victims of domestic violence, such as economic support and counseling. The importance of economic support cannot be overlooked because financial independence can lead to improvements in psychological health and well-being, and creates the material means through which these women can escape from an abusive relationship. In addition, counseling can reduce women’s isolation, self-blame, and help them identify their assets and personal resources, which can boost their self-confidence and provide them with the strength to leave the abuser.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Case Study (Prepare a professional public relations plan and two PR Essay
Case Study (Prepare a professional public relations plan and two PR tools. Based on a real case) - Essay Example In 2012, Tesla’s founder and CEO Elon Musk declared that in the year 2013, Tesla will start becoming profitable and central to this ambition is the launch of Tesla S car model (Tesla 2013). The Electric Vehicle market is estimated to steadily expand in the near future. The forecast is approximately 0.6 – 0.9 percent increase in the year 2015, 9 percent in 2020 and 22 percent in 2030 (JP Morgan 2010; Bloomberg 2010). The market expansion is partly attributed to US government support and the increase in the interest of the consumers in green technology. The U.S. Department of Energy, for instance, has introduced the Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing Loan Program, has increased public charging stations and supported the drive to reduce battery pack costs (DOE 2010). Tesla, as a brand, is identified, with the luxury market and is viewed as a high technology automobile manufacturer in the business of selling EVs and electric powertrains. It sets itself apart from the competition by delivering environmentally-friendly/green/sustainable vehicles alongside the all the features of a luxury car such as design, materials, speed, handling, comfort and experience. The Tesla S car enjoys all these benefits. The Tesla S model is expected to compete with EV products that are just being developed by carmakers like Audi, BMW, Lexus and Mercedes and would also directly compete with hybrid cars are already in the market such as Toyota with its Prius car, which is the so-called â€Å"unofficial greenmobile of Toyota and the world†(Siler 2012). Again, it is important to note that Tesla S seeks the luxury market and, hence, could also go head to head with non-green luxury cars. All in all, Tesla S technology will be challenged by Audi and BMW: Audi has an ambitious plan to be the leading electric vehicles by 2020. It is integrated in its recent electric mobility strategy and underpins its recent plan to
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Discussion Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 17
Discussion Questions - Assignment Example The second part of the statement states that police have enough experience to differentiate between offenders and those who have not committed a crime. If this is true then police officers have simply become biased against certain individuals. This is because police officers have created a profile of a criminal on the basis of their race, age and gender and they follow this profile to make arrests and detail suspects. This activity of profiling individuals has backfired and police officers are now being suspected of being biased against people belonging to certain age groups, race as well as gender. In a research conducted by Kochel et al. the researchers identified that race of an individual has a major impact on the decision of whether to arrest them or not (Kochel, 2011). The researchers prove that people belonging to the black race had a higher statistical probability of being arrested as compared to the whites. The UCR as well as the NCVS are two distinct procedures through which the government of United States collect and record data on crimes and criminal activity. The data collected by UCR is managed by the defense agency of FBI and this data includes information on the number of arrests for different crimes (, 2014). The data that is used to prepare statistical reports of UCR is provided by law enforcement agencies that operate at the local as well as the federal level. On the other hand the information that is collected for the purpose of recording data in NCVS contains data that has been collected through direct and indirect victims of crimes and it contains information on all crimes except crimes that are commercial in nature and homicide. The data that is collected by the UCR is collected on the basis of arrests that have been made by different law enforcement agencies. The information that is collected through UCR has a
Monday, January 27, 2020
Autism from Theories to learning
Autism from Theories to learning Since it first identified as a distinct disorder by Leo Kanner (1943), autism studies continued in order to explain its causes. Many theories and clinical studies evolved. However, none of them seems to be conclusive. Although it was interchangeably considered as part of schizophrenia, recently it is defined as a distinct disorder that has its own characteristics. The field of management is still challenging. In this paper, I am going to discuss different theories that explain autism. Then, I am going to summarize different learning approaches that are used for autistic children based on the different theories and ideas. Introduction: What is autism? Autism is part of the autistic spectrum disorders. The name itself is originated from the Greek word autos which means self.1 Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and is the result of a neurological disorder that affects the normal functioning of the brain, impacting development in the areas of social interaction and communication skills (ASA).2 There are five autistic spectrum disorders labeled as pervasive developmental disorder (DSM IV).3 Causes of autism: There is no known single cause for autism. Many theories evolved to explain the possible causes. There are many different cognitive and psychological thoughts describe the autism symptoms. On the other hand, new beliefs developed which explain the autism symptoms as results of genetic or environmental influences.4 Controversial ideas like the effect of diet and vaccines on the development of autism symptoms recognized as hot topics for the last few years.5 Autism symptoms: Autism, as per the definition, consists mainly of three main categorical symptoms which include behavioral, communication and social aspects.6 The severity of the symptoms fluctuates from one child to other.7 Treatment methods: Treatment approaches and methods vary widely according to the teaching center and to the autistic child assessment of needs and symptoms.8 There are many behavioral and cognitive modalities in dealing with autistic children.9 Recently, many therapies introduced for the management of autism symptoms such as diet therapy and drugs therapy.10 None of these therapies appears superior to others. It is the child condition and needs that judge. Cognitive models: Since the introduction of autism as a definite disorder by Leo Kanner (1943),11 many theories developed to explain the dilemma behind this disorder. Three main theories expressed the cognitive dysfunction on autism. These are The Theory of Mind Deficit, Executive Dysfunction theory and the Weak Central Coherence theory. Theory of mind deficit: Theory of mind refers to the ability to make full mental states (beliefs, desires, intentions, imagination, emotions, etc.) that trigger action.12 Child with autism has difficulty to understand others thoughts which consider, according to the theory of mind, as the core cognitive deficit in autism.13 Executive function theory: Executive function theory deals with planning, working memory, impulse control, inhibition and mental flexibility.14 Also, it includes the initiation and monitoring of action.14This theory explains some of the autism symptoms. For example, repetitive and restricted behavior observed in autistic children might be explained due to executive dysfunction.15 In addition, the poor social interaction could be due to defect in cognitive shifting which is a vital part of executive function.16 Central coherence theory: Weak Central coherence theory describes inability to understand the context or to see the big picture.17 This could explain common autistic behaviors such as repetitiveness, focusing to parts of objects and persistence in behaviors related to details.18 Other cognitive theory: Autism could be described by Piagets two-factor theory of figurative and operative functions. Several autistic children exhibit an arrest in operative functions at the sensorimotor level while remaining to grow in figurative functions. This arrest limits consequent development of higher-level theoretical, figurative, and social skills.19 Limitations of cognitive theories: Cognitive theories have successfully explained the typical abnormal behavior seen in autistic children. However, cognitive theories have their weakness in explaining the total picture of autism. Also, the deviation in the autistic symptoms between different affected children could not be clarified by the cognitive theories. The other notable limitation in the cognitive theories is explaining autism as a static cognitive impairment rather than studying the developmental approach of the condition.20 Psychoanalytic theories: Psychoanalytic theories have their potency in explaining the developmental attitude of autism. Psychoanalysts perceive autism as a disorder in which the development of self-perception and perception of others is altered significantly. Psychoanalysis has advocated understanding the development, maintenance, and treatment of autism.17 Autism has two main psychoanalytic explanations. One is that it is a failure to an earlier stage of development. Second idea rationalizes autistic behavior as a defense mechanism in response to extremely stressful conditions.17 Reflection of Freud theory on autism: The methods of social engagement, which proceeds to identification as defined by Freud are essential in autistic development. Freuds original ideas of drives have influenced the psychodynamics explanations of the causes of autism.21 In 1975; Donald Meltzer established a model of autism based on three main philosophies: the dismantling of the ego, adhesive identification, and the bio-dimensionality of object relations. The dismantling of the ego represents the idea that autistic children dispersed their ego throughout the various senses, so that they can never appropriately perceive the world around them. Adhesive identification is often seen in autism. It follows the transmission of energy from the death drive and the libido when these drives are being defused. The bio-dimensionality of object relations discusses how the autistic child connects to libidinal objects, with an incapability to see beyond the surface of objects.17 Refrigerator mother theory: Refrigerator mother theory is another psychological theory explaining the cause of autism. Bettelheim was the first who introduce this concept. The theory claims that autism is a defense mechanism against cold, impassive, and detached mothers. Autistic children are been raised to dampening and hardhearted families during the initial stages of development where language and social skills typically acquire. There is limited interaction between mothers and their children, and this is the core cause of autism according to Bettelheim.17 Attachment deficit theory: Autism has been argued as a result of social isolation from parents; hence the attachment deficit theory arises. Rutgers et al. (2004) relates the social isolation noted in autism to the absence of early and secured attachement.17 Ecological theory on autism: Bronfenbrenner described human development in the form of interconnected, nested ecological levels, which can be applied to the environmental circumstance of autistic children. According to the ecological theory, the child with autism behaves in various microsystem structures and processes in the home, school, and community. A collection of interactive microsystems composes a mesosystem. Exosystems have an indirect or secondary impact on the child through their direct influence on the persons who interrelate with the child. The exosystems formal and informal social contexts modify characters in the childs micro- and mesosystems, hence ultimately affect the autistic children themselves.22 Management of autism: Identifying a child with autistic spectrum disorder is a dilemma for parents and caregivers. Different tools could be used to assess the severity and disability. Dealing with autistic children is challenging. Many modalities have been used with different achievements. Using drugs or diet is controversial. Many schools attempt to reflect the psycho-cognitive theories for autistic spectrum disorders in their approach to manage these cases. Learning approaches for autism: Many approaches evolved to teach autistic children. Most of These approaches are based on the different psycho-cognitive theories on autism. I am going to discuss the approaches that are recognized by the American society of autism. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA): This method attempts to teach the autistic child different skills and behavior in stepwise approaches. The child get rewards after completing the task, so reinforcing the task or behavior. This method appears successfully beneficial in improving the personal skills and social behavior. However, it required intensive training time at school, and it does not prepare the autistic child to respond to new situations in life.23 Treatment Education of Autistic and Related Communication of Handicapped Children (TEACH): Based on the sense that the environment should be acclimatized to the child with autism, the TEACH approach uses a structured teaching method to introduce skills and behavior for children with autism. There is no specific technique for this method. The childs learning abilities evaluated, and then teaching strategies are planned according to the childs needs. Although this approach has been criticized for being too structured, it helps the autistic children to understand the environment around them and peoples behaviors.23 Picture Exchange Communication Systems (PECS): This method intends mainly to teach autistic children, especially those that do not speak. It helps to improve the communication skills. It is a clear and intentional method. The child hands on the picture of interest to communicate with the teacher.23 Pivotal Response Treatment: Pivotal response treatment is aiming to teach the autistic child behavior, communication and social skills. Also, it enhances the skills of self-management and social initiation. This approach uses a multi-task method to teach the child critical behaviors. The child plays a leading role in defining the activity or object to be used in teaching.23 Floor Time: This approach is using a developmental, stepwise method in teaching the child with autism. It is much like play therapy. It does not plan to teach a single task. However, it advanced the child skills to encourage emotional development. The problems with this method are the difficulty in processing the information by the child, the child may under or over react and children with autism may not have control over their body to do different tasks or play.23 Social Stories: Social story method helps the child with autism to understand the expected or appropriate response. Through stories, the child learns how to interact socially and behave appropriately. This method has been adopted in view of the theory of mind deficit.23 Sensory Integration: Occupational and physical therapist implement this method to help autistic children to overcome their hypo or hypersensitivities. Children get desensitized to help them identify the sensory information.23 Facilitated Communication: This method is based on the idea that the autistic children are not able to communicate because of a movement disorder, not the insufficiency in communication skills. In this approach, the facilitator or the teacher supports the child arm helping him or her to communicate through the computer or typewriter.23 Complementary Approaches: Different intended approaches have been tried for autistic children. Using music, playing, models or animals are some of the methods that are not categorized under any of the known approaches.23 Conclusion: Autism is still considered as a mystery for teachers and physicians. Many causes seem to interact together to result in autistic symptoms. Learning the theories behind autism could help teachers and physicians to understand how appropriately approach autistic children. Human development theories help to understand the steps of building up the knowledge for autistic children. Conflicts of interest: none.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Working Under Supervision
Generally teamwork can be defined as a group of people working under supervision together to accomplish specified goals. In nursing the main goal is to improve the patient’s health and promote recovery. Supervision, according to Harries (1987), means â€Å"to be in charge of a group of workers or students and be responsible for making sure that they do their work properly†[Longman (1995, p. 1449)]. Working with a group of people has the potential for being a supportive and enriching experience.It increases the nurse’s knowledge, acquired by sharing experiences, skills, ideas and techniques obtained by watching, observing and learning from other members of the team when performing a task. Nurses are required to work as part of multi-disciplinary teams (MDT). The care and management of individuals, relies heavily on the participation in team based efforts and requires individuals who share a common goal, in order to create a well managed health care system. The co ncept of team work within health care was created to â€Å"provide quality holistic healthcare to every patient†.Each team member must have a clear role and contribute effectively in order to maintain a well balanced and supported environment. It gives the patient high standard of care: It creates an opportunity for every member of the team to provide information about the patient’s need which can be orally or written, this will allow the care team to have an insight and understanding of how to offer the best possible care for the patient. Teamwork makes the duties easier and faster: If every member of staff collaborates and works together, less time is required to carry out the job and it is easy.In this case, the workload is well distributed and this relieves stress, saves useful time that can be used to observe patient needs, deterioration and improvement. There is less chance of inaccuracy because each member is focussed and co-ordinated on his or her work thereby enhancing effectiveness, whereas if it was one person doing the job the person is running from one point to the other in order to meet up with patient’s need thereby creating room for mistakes and disorganisation [Potter and Perry (1995)].In conclusion teamwork is very important in nursing and can also be enjoyable if all members are actively and sincerely partakers to ensure that the work is rational to every member and also meet targets. [Potter and Perry (1995)] Working under supervision builds the nurse’s character, confidence and self-esteem knowing that the supervisor cares about the work done. This will stimulate the nurse to be of good conduct. In the same way, patients feel safeguarded and confident knowing that there is a competent person in charge.According to Fowler (1995) Supervision involves a learning, supportive and monitoring process. The learning process exposes the nurse to liaise with other professional bodies such as the doctors, radiotherapists, p orters, cleaners, healthcare assistants, and paramedics and so on, as well as the patients and family members. The monitoring process could be formal or informal to assure that the desired standard is achieved. The supportive process includes discussion of difficulties, challenges, dilemmas and solution of how to deal with them so that positive goals are achieved [Hinchliff S. 2008)]. These processes are essential and vital for the health and safety of the patient. The nurse can then learn how to deal with challenging situations which promotes the delivering of high standard of care to the client. In contrast, when there is no supervision there is no opportunity to update knowledge, develop and improve skills. The nurse might be implementing the wrong skill or technique in attending to a patient. This might have a dangerous effect on the patient and the overall team.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Current trading relationship Between the United States and China Essay
Introductions International trade refers to the exchange of raw materials and manufactured goods (and services) across national borders. This situation happen since every country has specific products or services that are better in terms of quality, price, or any other measurable factors than one form other countries. This idea refers to competitive advantage. This situation drives countries to exchange their products and services to benefit from the countries that can produce goods more effective and efficient. Within the past few decades, the increase of international trade has driven the integration of the world economy. Furthermore, there are interesting facts that between 1980 and 2002, the volume of world trade has increased significantly relative to world output. This is because, for instances, traded goods have become cheaper over time relative to those goods that are not traded. In addition, we witness there are three factors characterize the increase in trade: The decrease in costs of trade. In transportation, communication and search, currency exchange and tariffs are all factors that influence when trading goods internationally. Within the past 20 years, these costs are falling; suggesting that there would be an increase in the volume of trade. Second factor is the fact that tradable goods sector experience improved productivity growth. According to studies, it is found that productivity growth tends to be higher in the tradable goods sector than in the non-tradable goods sector. This situation will in turn increase the ratio of trade to output. The third factor is the increase of income per head. The increasing income will likely drive consumers to shift their spending away from basic food and clothing products and into manufacturing goods, which offer more differentiation, diversification and international Due to the needs to trade with other countries, a country is driven to find and develop their competitive advantages, which in turn sustain their trade relationship with other countries in the world.            Concerning the international trade, this paper will discuss about current trade relationship between U.S. and China including the current status of this trading relationship, impact of devaluing of the U.S. Dollar affect this trading relationship, sources of Chinese domestic inflation, American recession affects the Chinese economy, and the future of trading relationship between U.S. and China. Current Status of U.S – China Trading Relationship The trade relationship between U.S. and China represents a significant issue for both countries. This is because, each country regards the trade between the other party is important. For the U.S., for example, the trade with China is ranked number 3 with US$29.9 billions of dollars. The first trading partner for the U.S. is Canada (US$48.9 billions of dollars) and Mexico (US$29.9 billions of dollars). This condition highlights that the trading between the two countries will be managed suitably although the two countries often involved in political tension regarding military force, Tibet issue, and trade secret.  Table 1 shows the U.S. trade relationship with China in the first two months in 2008. Table 1          Trade Relationship between U.S. and China NOTE: All figures are in millions of U.S. dollars. Month Exports Imports Balance January 2008 5,854.9 26,167.7 -20,312.8 February 2008 5,773.9  24,128.6 -18,354.7 TOTAL 11,628.8 50,296.3 -38,667.4 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008            Above figure represents the stable trends in which a year later in 2007, the trade value is undulating as shown in the following table (Table 2). The top value of trade between U.S. and China occurred in October 2007 where it reached US$31.6 billions of dollars (U.S. Census Bureau, 2008). Table 2          Trade Relationship between U.S. and China in 2007 NOTE: All figures are in millions of U.S. dollars. Month Exports Imports Balance January 2007 4,364.2 25,635.0 -21,270.9 February 2007 4,630.7 23,064.5 -18,433.8 March 2007 5,479.4 22,725.4 -17,246.1 April 2007 4,849.4 24,222.9 -19,373.5 May 2007 5,322.7 25,338.4 -20,015.7 June 2007 5,900.1 27,061.1 -21,161.0 July 2007 4,779.2 28,583.4 -23,804.2 August 2007 5,904.6 28,431.4 -22,526.8 September 2007 5,610.5 29,375.3 -23,764.8 October 2007 5,683.1 31,611.2 -25,928.1 November 2007 5,816.3 29,768.8 -23,952.6 December 2007 6,898.2 25,690.2 -18,792.0 TOTAL 65,238.3 321,507.8 -256,269.5 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2008            There are many reasons why U.S. has strong trade relationship with China. The country is home for more than 1.3 billion people, becomes one of the world’s fastest growing economies. Within the past decade, the country recorded an average of 8.2% of GDP growth. The figure put China to be the world’s 7th largest economy and 4th largest trader to date (Jintao 2003). The main reason of the country’s successful rapid growth comes from its decision to conduct comprehensive economic reforms, including its 2001 WTO accession (â€Å"People’s Republic†, 2005).  The impact of such reformation is China becomes famous for its dramatic shift from a relatively closed economy prior to 1970 to the world’s largest recipient of Foreign Direct Investment to date. The year 1978 was the time when the country conducted a massive makeover of its foreign trade policy (Coughlin, 1999). As the first policy of allowing limited amount of foreign investment has seemed to work superbly, the Chinese government figured out that it was a good idea to let ‘a little more’ money coming in. Once the decision to get â€Å"a little more money’ set up, immediately afterwards, the foreign investment into China grows significantly, putting the country to be one of the main pillars of Chinese economic reformation while playing a key role in Chinese economic integration initiatives. Concerning the situation, analysts believe that FDI into China continues playing a major part in the development of China (Coughlin, 1999). Thus, we can say that to some degree, China’s economic development can be observed through the activity of FDI inside the country. Recent development shows that FDI inflow patterns into China form an obvious trend. The technology-intensive industry has attracted more investors to put their plants in China while increasing the number of FDI in-flows into the country. Along with condition, FDI inflows to traditional industries like footwear, travel goods, toys, bicycles and electrical appliances have been declining. Experts believe that the trend will reasonably continue in the future (‘China’, 2002). Devaluing of the U.S. Dollar affect this trading relationship Multinational companies having subsidiaries all around the world or a country that conducts trade with other countries generally has at least one issue to constantly think about, which is foreign currency exposure. Companies or countries cannot operate using the same currency within different countries and markets. However, their national reporting standards generally require these companies to report all their incomes and expenses within a single currency. Hence, the problem of managing foreign currency exchange risk becomes significant. Multinationals who failed to manage their currency risk accordingly could end up losing millions of dollars annually due to currency exposure (Abo & Simkins, 2004). defines exchange rate risk as the risk that a business’ operations or an investment’s value will be affected by changes in exchange rates (Investorswords, 2008). Under such circumstances, for example, â€Å"if money must be converted into a different currency to make a certain investment, changes in the value of the currency relative to the American dollar will affect the total loss or gain on the investment when the money is converted back (Investorswords, 2008). Since companies that deal with foreign currency will encounter the risk of undulating exchange rate, they had better to have risk management and tools to reduce and alleviate the negative impact of such undulating rate to maintain their companies’ profit. In trade relationship point of view, the devaluation of U.S. dollar would put the trade deficit much deeper. In Table 1 and Table 2, we find that U.S. trade with China always experiences a deficit. This condition could get worse if U.S. dollars experience devaluation since it means China companies will pay less to the U.S. counterparts when they conduct trade in U.S. dollar currency. Figure 1 shows the U.S. trade deficit. Figure 1         U.S. Trade Deficit with China (Mankiw, 2003) Sources of Chinese domestic inflation In general, inflation is influenced by a number of factors, including the degree to which the productive capacity in the economy is being utilized; one-time shifts in product prices resulting from shocks to important supply and demand curves; changes in productivity growth; and inflation expectations. Kohn in his speech further reveals that there are four determinants of inflation: Economics slack. history reveals that economic slack indicates that when capital and labor are not fully employed, competition for market share and for jobs tends to bring down the inflation rate and vice versa Price shocks. Supply and demand influence the increase in a few prices for the specific products. This situation in turn contributes to the broad pickup in inflation although Kohn believes that price shocks are not going to be a source of continuing upward pressure on prices. Productivity. The combination of rapid productivity growth and weak aggregate demand has resulted in the slack in resource utilization, which contributed to the decrease in inflation. In addition, productivity growth also influences inflation through its effects on labor compensation and profit margins. Inflation expectations. This determinant plays a key role in price determination. In addition to other effects, a rise in inflation expectations tends to become self-fulfilling as people seek to protect themselves in the process of setting wages and prices. (Federal Reserve, 2004) Concerning China domestic inflation, we find that the country’s government policy becomes one major issue that influences the inflation. In 1989, for example, the government enacted policies which were intended to prevent the overheating economy. The policy was taken because in 1988, there was an aborted effort at the wholesale price reform. The incident resulted panic buying and wildly increased inflation. This explains the sudden raise of GDP growth. However, the government managed to create price stability by canceling large investment projects and decreasing domestic demands of products and services. The following economic turmoil was caused by the Beijing Massacre 1989. AS displayed within the table, the incident causes slowdown of national businesses, especially those involved with foreign investments. In 1991, the economy started to rise again, however, still with limping steps due to the worsened national image. In 1992, Deng Xiaoping decided to perform a tour through the Southern region of the country and attempt to revive international trust to the national economy. The tour achieved a significant portion of its intentions. Immediately, international interest in the rapidly growing economy was revived and FDI inflow to the coastal regions of the country was significantly boosted. Particularly in Shanghai, the new economic tendency brought significant governmental investment into the region, to build further infrastructure for international investment. The governmental initiatives brought increasing trade activities within the region, which encourage growth and also inflation (People’ Daily Online, 2006) Bilateral trading relationship heading in the near future The first analysis in conducting a trade with other country is about analyzing the country risk. This is important factor that U.S companies should be taken into account since trading with other countries involve any factors such as law enforcement for traded goods etc. in software industry, for example, many times, U.S. software developer complain about high rate of software piracy in China.  In short, country risk analysis is performance assessment regarding the uncertainty of a particular country in order to know about business environment in that country. In addition to using several macro and micro factors of country risk rating such as checklist approach, Delphi technique, and inspection Visits (Madura 485), U.S. – China trading trends is because China still holds the highest FDI Index that encourage U.S. companies to continue conducting trade with China in the future as shown in following figure. Figure 1         Top 25 Countries in term of FDI Confidence Index Source: A.T. Kearney References  Aabo, Tom. Simkins, Betty J. (2004). Interaction between real Options and Financial Hedging: Fact or Fiction in Managerial Decision Making. Adler, M. B Dumas. (1984). Exposure to Currency Risk: Definition and Measurement. Financial Management 13, pp 41-50. China. (2005). Retrieved May 7, 2008 from’China%20Fact%20Sheet%20pdf’ Coughlin, Cletus C. Segev, Eran. (1999). Foreign Direct Investment in China: A Spatial Econometric Study. Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis. Retrieved May 7, 2008 from Federal Reserve. (2004). Remarks by Governor Donald L. 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