Thursday, December 26, 2019

Analysis Of The Book The Devil Of The White City

The Intrigue of Chaos Part 1: The Devil in the White City is a true crime novel that takes place during the building, during, and aftermath of the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair. There are 2 main narratives,the first is Daniel Burnham, one of the main architects and designers of the World s Fair. This plot line shows the extreme stress that all of the Architects experienced, as the construction was slow to start, slow to build, and was filled with shortages, deaths, and awful communication. The second narrative is centered around H.H. Holmes, one of America’s first notorious serial killers. His narrative takes place in his â€Å"Murder Castle† and shows his complicated history and his numerous credit scams, identity scams, and most importantly,†¦show more content†¦(48 Larson)† Good Literature is what it sounds like it’s good but nothing amazing. It is for example, the Hunger Games, where it is a fun and exciting read, but doesn’t spark a change or awakening. This distinction between good and great is vital to the gradual understanding of what makes the human mind tick. Good literature might be nice for a quick and easy read on the beach, but Great literature or nonfiction will change one’s view point and requires detail and focus to extract its full meaning. Our group established 5 criterions to state what makes great literature. Our first criterion was â€Å"A great book must contain a message that applies to not only those who have experienced situations in the book, but provide perspective to those who have not.† A message that can be understood by numerous groups of people is vital to a great piece of literature. Our second criterion is that in order to teach a lesson it must expose a fault in human nature or in society. Our society is just as flawed as humanity is. Acknowledging these flaws is the first step in overcoming the trials of society and man. Our third criterion is centered ar ound the craftsmanship of the literary work. This can apply to a groundbreaking new approach to narration. Or even complex characters and a unique and individual style (Faulkner.) In summary, the 3rd criterion tries to move past just the message itself, and to focus onShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book The Devil Of The White City Essay1331 Words   |  6 PagesHaley Triplett Tyler Johnson World History 25 November 2016 The Devil in the White City Non-Fiction Book Report That night that the Titanic sinks, on board the Olympic on April 12, 1912, Daniel Hudson Burnham search mindfully for quite a while at his years arranging the Chicago World s Fair of 1893, held to respect the 400th commemoration of Columbus disclosure of America. In 1890, Chicago is a quickly developing city and needing to substantiate itself something particularly to the moreRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Devil Of The White City : Murder, Magic, And Madness At The Fair2200 Words   |  9 Pagestogether in the turbulent and chaotic environment of Chicago in the late 1800’s. The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America by Erik Larson is a Non-Fiction book, but it gives essential information necessary to understand where the concepts of architectural design and the depraved mind of serial killers began in the U.S.. The book reviews help illuminate the highlights of the book and the balance between good and evil. H.H. 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