Friday, November 1, 2019

A Rhetorical Analysis of The Video of The New iPhone 5's Keynotes Essay

A Rhetorical Analysis of The Video of The New iPhone 5's Keynotes - Essay Example I think that the keynote address on iPhone 5 by Phil Schiller attained its objective through proper use visual aids, figures of speech and the speaker’s confidence among other factors. Cooks message was related to Schiller’s which offered a perfect transition for the audience to interconnect the company progress with the new invention. The introduction of the speaker through stating his position was appropriate for the audience to realize that the information being given is first hand, tested and professional. Schiller’s keynote address is a breakdown of three parts namely; the introduction, iPhone demonstration and summary, and conclusion or fade-out. The speaker used various features of language such as rhetoric and comparative analysis to capture the attention of the audience. His prowess in public address is portrayed through the use of rhetoric language. The instances seem to be well organized by a qualified public speaker as indicated by the use of less colloquial language such as â€Å"uhs†. The introduction is dominated by the speaker’s emphasis on the uniqueness and quality of the product through the use of hyperbolic statement s such as;† is an absolute jewel.†(00:13:48) and† †¦simply amazing!† (0:14:55). Use of hyperbole is meant to exaggerate the quality of the product in relation to other competitors in the market. What an incredible achievement to the company following the invention (0:12:36). This portrays the magnificence of the new product in reference to its performance in the industry. During the introduction, Schiller uses interrogation, â€Å"†¦and boy, they were right!† (00:12:53), when emphasizing the popularity that the product has gained in the market. This is in reference to the news on the time magazine that indicated that the phone has changed the phones forever. A detailed presentation of the product is ensured through the use of various technological demonstrations with the

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